Job Placement Programme

₦0.00 of ₦0.00 Raised
We have added innovation to our food security approach by collating basic skills of the beneficiaries into a Curriculum Vitae through our human resources practitioners. These skills are advertised to corporate organizations digitally to enable beneficiaries get jobs to fend for themselves and contribute to the enterprise as well. Also in a bid to providing long lasting solutions, beneficiaries are also taught basic entrepreneurship skills by professionals at outreach venues to enable them sustain themselves and be more independent. Over 200 beneficiaries have been provided with jobs.

Comments (3)

  1. Joy Ameh Peter
    August 31, 2021

    I am interested in the job

  2. Joy Ameh Peter
    August 31, 2021


  3. Omorubore Olusesan Bank
    May 8, 2024

    I’m interested in working with Lagos food bank

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