Wednesday the 28th of September 2022 was a good day for the families of Ogundimu/Iwaya community as the Lagos Food Bank Initiative in partnership Unity Bank Plc implemented its Temporary Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) to provide beneficiaries with food relief, clothing, and other household items that can sustain a family of five.
Although the day began with clear skies, at the arrival of the foodbank team and its partners there was a downpour of rain that threatened to disturb the distribution. With excitement and energy, the Unity Bank team immediately joined the foodbank volunteers as they quickly swung into action as an alternate method of distributing the boxes of hope was devised. The Unity Bank’s Head of Corporate Resources, Hillary Oguebo commented on the Bank’s drive for food security, and added that the Bank is pleased to donate the food items to the community to help ameliorate the impact of the rising cost of food on them.
The distribution went seamlessly in spite of the rainfall and other members of the community who were not registered equally benefited from Lagos Food Bank’s Innovative sustainable Job placement program went ahead on a separate registration exercise with the Job placement team.