Standing in solidarity and support of resilient beneficiaries in Muslim communities during the Ramadan season, the food bank on the 15th of March 2024 commenced its Ramadan Food Assistance Program (RFAP) by providing nutritious cooked meals to Muslims in Morikas, Agege community for Iftar, a meal that holds profound significance in breaking a fasting period.
Considering the economic strain plaguing low-cost communities due to the rapidly increasing cost of living, the food bank initiated a special outreach as an act of kindness and compassion for food insecure Muslims observing the religious exercise of fasting and prayer during the Ramadan period.
“I thank the food bank for this act of kindness shown towards us, Muslims, during this Ramadan period, especially at a time when things are so expensive in the market. It is very encouraging to know that during such economic hardship there is an organization that cares about those in need. May Allah continue to bless and provide for this organization as they provide for the needy,” were the words of one of the beneficiaries upon receiving a package of the delicious cooked meal distributed by the food bank for iftar.
The outreach was a huge success and a timely one, putting smiles on the faces of those most in need of assistance during such delicate times, and bringing hope to the vulnerable at a time of observing a religious mandate for spiritual upliftment and supplication.