On Tuesday 7th November and Wednesday 8th November, 2023 the Family Farming program is set to train its newly enrolled beneficiaries in partnership with Access Bank plc with a two day theoretical and practical based sessions on the  essential knowledge and skills necessary to start their backyard farm. This training will have a demonstration of urban farming practices where the beneficiaries will learn about Vegetable production (Olericulture), Snail production (Heliculture), Poultry production and Agripreneurship.

The Family Farming program is focused on promoting food and financial security among women and youth living within vulnerable communities.

About Our Partner:

Access Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of Access Holdings Plc (“Access Corporation”), is a leading full-service commercial bank operating through a network of more than 700 branches and service outlets, spanning 3 continents, 17 markets and 52 million customers.Access Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of Access Holdings Plc (“Access Corporation”), is a leading full-service commercial bank operating through a network of more than 700 branches and service outlets, spanning 3 continents, 17 markets and 52 million customers. The bank employs 28,000 people in its operations in Nigeria and has subsidiaries in sub-Saharan Africa and the United Kingdom, a branch in Dubai, UAE and representative offices in China, Lebanon and India.


The goal of this training is to equip the beneficiaries with the comprehensive knowledge and skills required to start their backyard farms.

Objectives of the Training:

  1. To equip vulnerable women and youths with adequate knowledge and skills to start up a backyard farm
  2. To promote food security and financial stability of the program’s beneficiaries there by making them self-reliant
  3. To reduce the prevalence of poverty amidst women. 

Workshop Topics: 

  • Understanding Urban Farming
  • Vegetable farming
  • Poultry Farming
  • Snail Farming 
  • Agripreneurship

Date: 7th November and 8th November, 2023

Location: LFBI New Warehouse, Ikeja, Lagos

Target Audience: Vulnerable Women and Youth

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