On Friday 17th of May 2024, Lagos Food Bank Initiative will be partnering with Alabaster Network to cater to food insecure young students in low-income schools with nutritious meals through the Education Enhancement Intervention for Food Insecure Students (EDUFOOD) program of the food bank, in commencement of the project, OPF5000.

This initiative by our partner organization endeavors to supply nourishing meals to 5000 school children requiring nutritional assistance, empowering them on their educational path.


A diverse community of women drawing strength and finding solace in togetherness at the Masters feet. Focused on Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith.


The primary goal of this outreach initiative is to offer wholesome meals to children, aiming to boost the nutritional well-being and overall health of school students facing food insecurity.


  • To elevate the nutritional well-being of school children experiencing food insecurity.
  • To enrich cognitive development and sharpen the capacity to concentrate and comprehend lessons in the classroom.
  • To foster increased school attendance rates and encourage greater enrollment of girls.

DATE: Friday 17th May, 2024.



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