The 2024 Children’s Day was a spectacular day for primary school children in Agege community on Monday 27th May, 2024 as the Lagos Food Bank in partnership with Codix Pharmaceuticals Limited celebrated the special occasion through the Education Enhancement Intervention for Food Insecure Students of the food bank.

“We were not expecting this level of impact that our contribution has had in the lives of children. There’s a lot that can be done and we are very proud of all we have been able to do today. I can say that this is the beginning of bigger initiatives that we will partake in. The joy on the faces of the children has brought happiness to myself and my team members. I encourage other organisations and brands to join forces to create more impact.” stated Tolulope Etuu of the Codix Team.

The joy was apparent on the faces of the school children as they received their lunch from the volunteers and the food bank team. As part of the engagement of the day, the children were engaged in a painting competition where they showcased their painting skills and the winners were given gifts from the food bank team.