Problem Statement

Diabetes has become a multidimensional health concern in Nigeria. Nigeria has recognized the need of addressing non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as fueled by urbanization, changed food trends, and hereditary causes, with over 11.2 million people living with this condition. The severity of the problem is worsened by the substantial financial burden diabetes throws on individuals and families, forcing them to face agonizing decisions between health and basic needs like food. This problem leads to a vicious circle of declining health, inadequate glycaemic management, and rising healthcare costs.

Nutrition Intervention for Diabetes Self-management (NIDS), for indigent adults living with diabetes, is a two year (2020-2022) program, that seeks to improve the glycemic control of people living with diabetes (PLD) in low-income communities by providing them with free diabetes-appropriate meals or foodstuff.

The program has been renewed for an additional two years (2023-2025).

The Vision: To solve the problem of food insecurity and poor dietary intake among people living with diabetes in low-income communities in Lagos, Nigeria.

The Mission: To enable low-income communities as well as Primary Health Care Centers (PHCs) adopt and implement effective nutritional education programs and affordable meal plans that help people living with diabetes understand how adequate nutrition intake is essential to maintain sound health by ensuring proper glycemic control. Target beneficiaries are food-insecure people living with diabetes in low income communities.

NIDS Goals and Objectives are;

Goal 1: To reduce food insecurity levels among people living with diabetes.

Objective: To ensure a reliable and constant supply of food items diabetes-appropriate nutritious foods for the target beneficiaries.

Goal 2: To reduce the prevalence of acute and chronic complications associated with diabetes amongst indigent people living with diabetes.


  • To ensure glycemic control among people living with diabetes in underserved communities.
  • To ensure healthy practices like dietary diversity, portion control and exercises among indigent diabetics.

Goal 3: To establish diabetes support groups in low income communities.

The Outcomes: At the end of this program, we will achieve the following:

  1. Increased food security and access to affordable diabetes-appropriate meal plans through the Lagos Food Bank.
  2. Increased community involvement in the self-management of diabetes through the establishment of a support group for people living with diabetes in low\income communities.
  3. Strengthened capacity of PHCs within the low-income communities to deliver correct and up to date diabetes education, manage and monitor the glycemic flow of people living with diabetes.
  4. Increased access of beneficiaries to resources like jobs that match their existing skills to sustain themselves through the on-going job placement program of the Lagos Food Bank Initiative.
  5. Approximated cost to feed a NIDS beneficiary monthly.
    Food itemsCost
    Sweet Potato1000
    Anti-Diabetic supplement8000
    Routine Blood Sugar Test1500



    For further information on how you can partner with the food bank, please call: 02012918754 or Email:


    For further information on how you can volunteer, please call: 07061722099 , 09060291044 , 07049246214 , 09060389145 , 09048885087

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can anyone volunteer for NIDS?

    Only health professionals can volunteer for this program, e.g Dietitians/Nutritionists, Pediatricians etc.

    I am a health Professional, how do I volunteer?

    Kindly send a direct message on instagram to @numeplan

    Can a student studying a health related course volunteer
    No, for now you cannot volunteer.