On Saturday 31st August 2024, Lagos Food Bank Initiative, through the Temporary Food Assistance
Program (TEFAP), will cater to resilient women and households with staple food and personal care items as
part of their commitment towards improving the food security of people living in communities with
limited resources.

At Lagos Food Bank, prioritizing the wellbeing of beneficiaries by ensuring that they have sustainable
access to basic needs which include nutritious meals that promotes a healthy and active lifestyle is
paramount to the organization’s vision. For more than seven years the Lagos Food Bank has been an active partaker in the course to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that relate to human and community development in Nigeria.

The goal of this outreach is to foster access to basic needs and to contribute towards achieving food and
nutrition security in households residing in low-income communities.

1. To provide resilient households with nutritious meals and decent clothing.
2. To ensure there is equal access to food resources for people living in low-income communities.
3. To improve the nutritional status of households living below the poverty line.

DATE: Saturday 31st August, 2024
BENEFICIARIES: Resilient women and households.
VENUE: Food Bank Warehouse

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