On Saturday 29th June, 2024, the Lagos Food Bank Initiative will be reaching vulnerable families in Iwaya,
Yaba community, in partnership with Cordros Capital Limited, through the TEFAP intervention. The outreach
is set to mitigate the effect of the rising cost of food within low-income communities.
Over the span of 8 years, the Lagos Food Bank has continued in its drive to end the prevalence of hunger,
malnutrition and poverty within the communities it serves. Partnerships such as this go a long way in fulfilling
the mission and vision of the organization.
Cordros Capital Limited are a leading Financial Services group, licensed as Broker-Dealers, Issuing House,
Fund/Portfolio Managers, Trustees, and Registrars by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). Their
Broker-Dealer business is a registered dealing member of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). They are also
licensed as Insurance Brokers by both the Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers (NCRIB) and the
National Insurance Commission (NAICOM).
The goal of this outreach is to provide an opportunity for CSR engagements and give back initiatives of corporate
organizations to meet their goal and vision of giving back to the communities they serve.
1. To provide quality nutritional food relief items to families who are grappling with food insecurity
2. To enable the food bank’s beneficiaries focus their limited resources on more pressing needs.
3. To create awareness for the need of CSR initiatives to provide relief for vulnerable communities.
DATE: Saturday 29th June, 2024.
VENUE: Widows and women of Iwaya, Yaba community.
Okeke Chidera Blessing
June 25, 2024This is a beautiful and benevolent gesture by the Lagos Food Bank Initiative in partnership with Cardros Capital Investment through TEFAP and I would love to support by volunteering at the event.
Together we would mitigate hunger to the barest minimum and bring hope to our communities.
Bakri Isiaq
June 28, 2024I will be available to join for the reach out on Saturday