In many parts of the world, including Lagos, Nigeria the effects of malnutrition are severe and pervasive. Children under five years old are especially vulnerable, as they require essential macro and micro nutrients for proper growth and development. Addressing malnutrition requires a multi-faceted approach, including the provision of nutritious food, education on proper dietary practices, and access to healthcare services.

The Lagos Food Bank Initiative was delighted to the success story of its beneficiary Ashabi. Ashabi’s story is both intriguing and inspiring, showing the Food Bank’s dedication to combating malnutrition in infants.

At just 4 months old, Ashabi was referred from Akowonjo Primary Health Center as she displayed clear physical signs of malnutrition such as thinness, persistent crying, and skin folds. Most concerning was her weight, a mere 3.6kg, when she was enrolled in the NUMEPLAN program.

Within 4 months of enrollment and out-patient malnutrition treatment, she was given biweekly nutritional assessment, dietary support, nutrition education, and counseling sessions. With consistent support from our in-house nutritionists, Ashabi’s condition improved. By the time she was discharged at 9 months old, she weighed 7.6kg and had a mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) of 15cm.

This remarkable progress in Ashabi’s health and nutritional status is a result of the nutritious food provided, her mother’s diligence in adhering to the health and nutritional counseling offered by our dedicated Nutritionists.

Ashabi has successfully been discharged from the NUMEPLAN program, and will be closely monitored on a monthly basis with follow-ups to keep track of her growth and ensure there is no relapse in their health status.

The food bank appreciates its generous donors and dedicated team for their continued support of the mission to ending malnutrition in all its forms.